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  • Writer's pictureThe M.T.M

Theory of Communication

Updated: Oct 13, 2018

Communication is ONLY truly compatible when those sound waves are on the same frequency and understanding of that individual


In essence we hear what we hear for a certain sense of purpose.

What if we HEAR exactly what we thought we HEARD even disregarding moments of being told otherwise or what I’ll call “The CORRECTION” .

The CORRECTION is only relevant to those you should NOT be communicating with on that particular subject; or said conversation would flow with pure understanding and or, in agreeance to both parties opinions and thoughts.

“When the student is ready, the master will appear”— CeCe Fire

Best example of thi: ARGUMENTS!!! Not debate, but ARGUMENTS!! Loud words, fluttered tempers, anxiety, and etc…all used for an attempt of UNDERSTANDING. Fighting to get your view across and it getting the respect it should being your thoughts and feeling being involved. We give so much energy and focus onto things that may not NEED to be. Wasting precious TIME, that we NEVER get back, forcing connections mental thought and sound waves that are not meant to be. Going against the grain.

Forcing communication is a form of UNIVERSAL DEFIANCE; not allowing the universe to work according to a Devine source. Corrupt free will if I may? In order to reach that ultimate level of Communication with others, you must first have it with YOURSELF in the purest of kind. Not having communication with thy self is not knowing yourself. If you don’t know you or you can’t communicate with you, is it honestly possible for others?

We must also realize that communication is life a finger print. Each individual was taught to communicate in different ways becoming a barrier for understanding. We must learn to allow differences in ideal and thought, releasing the expectation of agreement. Agreement IS NOT MANDATORY for communication. But LISTENING is! Keep in mind that you are conversing with yourself in reality, and not to be personal or assumptive of the energy known as feed back .

Best communication comes from within oneself. Try this to yourself sometimes. Its very important to gain trust and understand with you to know best how you can operate for the universe. Become your best friend and have your back give back some of the energy the we feed to others who just feed off of us and leave us low in spirited. Once you know yourself, you also become aware of you and who you can cross paths with. No more guessing and checking. You will let you know when you need keep it pushing. The universe respects confidence so embrace your intuitions and be your own adviser. Make your own agreements in life. Ignoring others personal options and assumptions that are not of your reality. When communicating you must be aware its and ART OF WAR. Its always better to take your time and use your words carefully because they hold power. Speak with light to bring about the light


Consciousness/the knowing

We have to have a great sense of balance between the two to be able to reach that comfort with the Universe. After all the goal is to be come one with the Universe. The balance is of such importance due to the negative effects of over thinking and under knowing. We ALL have the potential to fall under those tendencies. So we all have to be accountable for US and take the appropriate preventive measures to in sure control of OUR own mental and consciousness.

Seeking balance can become frustrating when you feel like your burned out by the lack of comprehension from one to another. My Question I leave for readers is; How do we bridge the gaps then?

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