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  • Writer's pictureThe M.T.M

Please Don't​ Kill My VIBE

Energy Fields within the the human race exists. It is in my belief that we all have vibes that can rub off on one another. Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. This makes us all contagious. Not just in the sense of sickness even though it can fit the description. It seems like we don’t have an effect on each other, but this is far from the truth that is out there. Everything is energy. Even our thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts and feelings can potential be the strongest form or conductor for creating and transferring energy.

These too things themselves drive the energy within our human spirit. They become our “CARROT” of life. The thing that leads down different paths and rides, also encouraging choices that we make. I think of thought as lil seeds that grow to become bigger til the point that it becomes more than a thought. It becomes a physical thing. Feelings are the same. If one person plants a seed in another person mind about an individual, that is and example of how that person transferred their thoughts or energy to the next, making them feel the same without the motive or real reasoning for such.


This is why music it so important. Music is quite as kept the EASIEST way to manipulate a persons energy and creating narratives that may not even fit the listeners life. Be mindful of who and what you allow in your field. Once a fire catches that energy is hard to put out. We have to be better equipped for these hidden twists that are available for anyone to stubble on. Don’t get twisted up in the energies. Even being to close to an individual who’s energy field is tainted and catch wind and spread to you, hints why I said we are contagious. As human, we seems to base things of our eyes and what we see most. Right now we see the biggest sicknesses would be cancer and diabetes ALL FORMS. I Believe our biggest sickness as a race, HUMAN races, is mental sickness.

So many of us struggle with the mentalities of live and hide it by covering it with success, love & relationships, Jobs, even our children. Our Mental state as a whole needs work. But because we are human, and so smart, we think we know everything and undermine the true essence of life and how it can and should be walked. We All fit this energetic eco system if I may. We are suppose to flow in harmony with all energy. Positive energies make the world go round, negative ones make the world go down.

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