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  • Writer's pictureThe M.T.M




It is just a means for measuring increments of value in our lives, if we have any at all. At that state you're just lost. LOST in “TIME”!

“TIME”, is a distraction. A mere illusion in our mind. It is what I also refer to as the measurement of light coming and going. For that is what we live by right? The DAY & The NIGHT. The beginning and ending of light, which then is recycled 365 times to create the next cycle of the YEAR spectrum. Giving LIGHT a looping window frame that could be categorized into numeric order. Giving humanity a unwanted dimension of life that was never as important as it is today.

Ask yourself what would you do in a timeless world. Could you manage the unknown thought of “What next?” Or When, Who, Why, and Where? Answer is probably NO. No because all of our lives we have been domesticated to follow the Agenda. Always encouraged to stay busy with others wants under to disguise of false “responsibility” and “priorities” that aren’t even chosen by us and usually don’t serve us in the longer run.

I believe the true atmosphere of these looping light sequences is all in nature. The seasons. SIMPLE AS THAT! The fact of just trusting what your phone says with the collective of numbers programmed to tell you what day and time it is is not enough for me. Honestly. If the world had been here for billions and billions of years how can we just claim it to be the year 2017. And thats the issues with time that I have. IT HAS TOO MUCH Power over US. It is control tool, one that is underrated and over used for the destruction of mankind.


{Racism has us boxed in time} as examples, our country is diluted and held in mental complacency, blind from the true matters of life....


Time seems to just be a collective of experiences in consciousness. It only truly exists in a outer level and never inner. Inner being seems to be timeless like a DREAM. When we dream we are awake to that “conscious time” which isn’t time at all. Its just BEING. Us being more in tune to the OUTER elements of our existence makes us give into a majority of its principles, ignoring/surpressing our true nature and purpose of existence; Which is to feed the conscious mind and spread and connect others to the consciousness through awakening, feeding OUR ONE CONSCIOUS BEING OF EXISTENCE. The ultimate example of the the Law OF RELATIVITY. (See LAWS TO LIVE BY link for more details.)

Law of Rhythm is also applied to my belief and theories. It states that: Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms.. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's Universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. The importance of this is to preserve the essence of consciousness, for it is what we believe “TIME” to be. We are in the flow of cycles of consciousness. Like sets of increments in our mind. Everything exists only in our mind. With a collective of systems then is it projected from metaphysical to physical. What we say is reality. Once we break from the chains of systematic time then can we channel into our inner consciousness and allow our soul to experience the pure natures of our existence. With more experience in life comes more understanding of life. Imagine what could happen with the combination of mindsets that have the same universal understanding of life. Knowing we are all equal in existence.

Time has become the measurement of life instead of the light within each soul. Time has distracted us from the NOW. The NOW is where most of our understandings of life is reached. NOW in addition to having great foresight and hindsight. We must put TIME back in its place and elevate ourselves in to the position we place time. We keep the existence of life glowing NOT a “time”.

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