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Rebuild the mind

Rebuild the world


Seeking to Inspire. Mentor of life, giving those who seek it hope. Also providing a new perspective of collective information for a new way forward based upon personal & public opinions on chosen matters and or universal issues.

A conscious approach to support and appreciate individuality with knowledge and growth of self-awareness and self-worth and the world!


 Hello and thanks for your time. I was terminated 2017 for attendance, I feel I was wrongfully terminated due to the circumstances of my outside work situations and due to lack of experience from my manager at the time. I was forced to let my job get to the point of termination. I say this because I gave My ALL and My BEST and did not feel my employer adequately helped in the ways that would have FIXED my problem. Instead, I was given the run-around and expected to "figure it out" on my own. I even requested a change of shift well before my job was at the point of termination but was denied because of their "rules". I Then Lost my job and feel low of myself. Feeling I let my kids and loves down. I was so frustrated with life because it seemed nothing ever went right for me to be happy. I knew I wasn’t the only one, so I began to read into life and came up with a formula to overcoming your lower self and breaking through to the wonders of GREATNESS! If you have ever felt like this or been in similar situations, then please join me as I open my mind and insight on how I turned my life around!

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